如何修改Fancy Action Bar, Scalding Rune倒數為12秒

1.打開位於 C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\FancyActionBar


2. Ctrl+F 搜索40465

3. 依作者說明*把 [40465] = {40468}, -- scalding rune (dot)

替換為 [40465] = {40468,12}, -- scalding rune (dot)

4. 保存Config文檔,遊戲裡reload ui就可以了


[slot_id] = config:
- {effect_id, custom_duration} = timer will start when the effect will fire
- true = start timer instantly using duration from the ability description
- false = ignore this slot
- number = same as "true", but use value as a duration